.. Requirements file Requirements ============ Exordium requires at least Python 3.8 *(tested on 3.9)*, and Django 4.0. Exordium makes use of Django's session handling and user backend mechanisms, both of which are enabled by default. This shouldn't be a problem unless they've been purposefully disabled. Exordium requires the following additional third-party modules: - mutagen (built on 1.45) - Pillow (built on 9.0) - django-tables2 (built on 2.4) - django-dynamic-preferences (built on 1.11), which in turn requires: - six (built on 1.16.0) - persisting-theory (built on 0.2.1) One unit test module additionally requires django-test-migrations (tested with 1.2.0), but that's not required to run it. These requirements may be installed with ``pip``, if Exordium itself hasn't been installed via ``pip`` or some other method which automatically installs dependencies:: pip install -r requirements.txt