Search for Phrases
Note: text searches will match on substrings.
Minimum text search length is 3 letters.
# Words: At least: At most:
# Albums: At least: At most:
# Songs: At least: At most:
Only Albums:
  Limit "# Albums" and "# Songs" to selected albums?
Note: with the currently-selected search terms, no results will be returned.

Nine Inch Nails Lyrics Stats


This is a database of Nine Inch Nails lyrics. There's a number of lyrical themes which pop up from time to time in NIN songs ("nothing can stop me now" for instance), and I thought it would be fun to write something which would make it easier to find patterns which might be more easily overlooked.

The interface isn't great, but should get the job done. To search for phrases which contain any specific text, use the Contains textbox. If you want to restrict your results to phrases which have a certain number of words, use the # Words boxes. If you only want to get results which appear in more than one album, or more than one song, use # Albums and/or # Songs. You can also specify to search within certain albums, with the Only Albums listbox. You should be able to select multiple albums using Ctrl/Shift/etc, as usual.

The checkbox labelled "Limit "# Albums" and "# Songs" to selected albums" might be a bit confusing. In general, you'll want to leave the checkbox active, which is the default. When the checkbox is active, the values you put in for the # Albums and # Songs boxes will only apply to the albums you've selected. For instance, over the whole discography there are five tracks which contain the word "cracks," four of which are in With Teeth. If you select "With Teeth (and related)", specify "at least 5" for # Songs, and leave the checkbox active, no results will be found. If you disable the checkbox, though, you'll see the results. Alternatively, if you search for "nothing can stop me now" with "The Slip" selected, you'll never get any results regardless of the checkbox, since that phrase doesn't appear anywhere in The Slip.

Changes / Contributing / Contact

The full sourcecode is available here on GitHub. If you're GitHub savvy, feel free to send me any pull request you think is worth merging.

Even if you're not GitHub savvy, feel free to let me know if anything seems amiss, or if you think something should be done differently on this. I'm "xolotl" on ETS - there's also an official thread for this app. Or feel free to email me at

Interesting Results

These were last updated in September 2018, after finally adding Bad Witch lyrics. Future releases (or updates to our lyric database) may, of course, change this around somewhat. I'll endeavor to keep this up to date as the DB changes, though.

Let me know if you think anything else deserves to be noted in here.

Songs In Database

This database is primarily concerned with the "main" NIN releases, though I've included various B-sides and extra content where it seemed appropriate. Now I'm Nothing is a bit of a corner case, but I've included it with PHM on account of its inclusion on recent NIN tours. I've purposefully excluded any covers, so songs like Get Down Make Love, Memorabilia, and Metal aren't present. Suck is a corner case I remain a little undecided on, since that was originally Pigface but TR obviously had some input into it. So far I've left that one out. I've also intentionally excluded the handful of early demo songs which never made it to PHM, like Purest Feeling, since TR's effectively disavowed those. I've also excluded the various "reworked" remixes such as Closer To God which technically add extra lyrics but are largely the same as their source material. Also missing is HTDA, again on purpose.

One question I've struggled with is the inclusion of lyrics printed in the official lyric sheets which aren't actually present in the songs themselves. There's a bit of that in PHM, and a lot of it in Not The Actual Events. I've excluded most of the "extra" lyrics though I'm sure a few have slipped through. There's also occasional minor differences between the printed lyrics and what's actually sung; I've tended to keep with the printed version in those cases. It's perhaps worth noting that I think the lyrics were originally copy+pasted from back in 2014, rather than copied from lyric sheets by hand, so I've not actually manually checked any of these versus the printed sheets. I've included the English translation of the spoken bits in La Mer.

I've currently lumped The Perfect Drug into "The Fragile (and related)" since it appeared on one of the We're In This Together EPs. It didn't really seem right to have it out on its own.

If you've got any arguments for doing things differently in here which you think could sway my current decisions, definitely feel free to get in contact. The source lyric textfiles used in the database are available here on Github.