(Last updated: October 2005)
Stupid little plugin to figlet-ize outgoing text in the ancient app Gaim, which became Pidgin ages ago. I have no idea how applicable this is to Pidgin, or if it even works still.
The plugin file: figlet.pl
Back in the day, you'd install it by putting the file into ~/.gaim/plugins
- Relies on having "figlet" in your path
- Doesn't do any sanity checking at all
- Highly vulnerable to injection attacks (though I suppose that you'd probably have to be attacking yourself)
- Relies on the other person having Courier New installed
- Probably doesn't deal well with embedded HTML or overly-funky chars
- Barely a plugin
- Is, in general, total garbage
- Regardless: FUN!
A friend mentioned that I could just have installed SlashExec and run a figlet from there pretty easily. To this I say: shut up, that's why.
October 2005
- Initial post